Wow what a great week! President and Hermana Chapparo are fantastic! And we haven't even met them yet! We have a zone conference tomorrow and I am so excited!!! He definitely has a greater focus on recent converts and less actives. Which is what we love!! Valentina is on FIRE with missionary work! She asked one of her friends if she wanted to be baptized!! And she accepted! How cute is she! Then on Sunday she called us and said she woke up with a big headache and couldn't come to church. We said she was okay and we would come by this week. Then she shows up! What the?? She has the strongest testimony and she's 11! Now we are working on teaching her family.
We have really learned how to help people with the conversion process. It is a hard one I must say but definitely worth it. We can see it with Oscar. He is truly converted now and has the biggest desire to get baptized. We went to his house with the bishop yesterday and the bishop asked him why he wants to be baptized. He said because I now realize how badly I need the blessings that come from it. Ahh it was amazing!! He is truly ready to make this covenant with Heavenly Father! I know I will cry like a baby. His baptism is this Saturday. We had another lesson with him Wednesday because his mom wanted to teach us how to make pasteflor. IT IS THE BEST DESSERT HERE IN A TOWN!.. and now I know how to make it so don't worry :) His mom is cute. He said she wants to talk with us but is nervous and unsure. Well here comes bold sister Hammond... we have an appointment with her this week. I love teaching families. Especially helping them in times of need.
I realized I never finished my thought from last week! Haha oops... well I have been thinking a lot about my family on the other side of the veil. We have a lot and now there are even more. Last Sunday when we had such a great day I was looking around at all the people in the congregation. I could see all of my family members sitting in the seats helping me. Great grandma and grandpa Rawlinson, Madi, Uncle Reed, Aunt Adelia, everyone! And there was family there I haven't met yet. But I knew they were there to help me. It's hard to explain but I couldn't help but get tears in my eyes. I saw angels helping me because I can't do this alone. It was the neatest experience for me and I will forever cherish that moment I had. I am so incredibly grateful for the family I have. I have grown a greater love for them. Both here on earth and in the spirit world.
Ahh you guys I love being a missionary!!!!! It is the coolest thing! I can't believe Heavenly Father is blessing me so much! I couldn't be happier! Thank you all for your letters and prayers! I love and miss you all! It is so cool to hear about all the family history work y'all are doing in the temple! Ahh I love it! Keep it up! Rock the HOUSE!!!!!! (We love saying that.)
Until next week!
Hermana Hammond
Happy Birthday shoutouts to Grandma Toni, Nora, and Eden this week!!! Love you all!
Happy 4th of July!! Haha, Elder Slighting got the memo! |