Hello family and friends!
This week was a little rough for us. But nothing we can't handle!!! :) I feel like we have been running a race and are now stuck in mud. We had 4 people preparing for baptism and now we have nobody.
Here are some quick updates:
Juan- Couldn't come to church because his motorcycle broke. He was going to walk but wouldn't have gotten there in time. I hate Satan... we are picking him (Juan) up in a taxi next week :)
Jose- He still needs to have a desire that pushes him to church. We baptize converts... he is progressing but will probably be baptized in September.
Mirium y Carlos- Haha, we are moving forward with them! We have prayed a lot about the situation and don't feel like it is harmful to us. Haha and good news... they want to get married! They are thinking April and then baptism after that but we are going to change their minds :) They have been to church 5 times... it's time to fill the font ;) Haha. Tonight we are going to talk about temples and eternal marriage and the law of chastity. Hopefully the spirit will touch their hearts and will want to get married sooner so they can prepare to go to the temple.
Valeria- Couldn't come to church but here's a funny and pretty amazing story! Her mom was at her house and picked up a book and started reading it. Vale came in and asked her what she was reading. She said ¨just this book I found¨ Valeria then realized and told her that is was the Book of Mormon..... Her mom realized... put it down... and then Valeria found her mom reading it again later that night! HOLY MOLY!!!!! Talk about mysterious ways of God! It made me smile. Her heart is changing and I will have faith in the Lord's timing. :)
So we are pushing through. Just in a rough patch. We aren't teaching as much and we are a little frustrated but there is something to be learned here and by golly I'm going to figure it out! :)
So funny story of the week. We had family night with a less active family. They are Juan's friends and they introduced him to us. He was going to teach us how to make pizza, tortillas, and a type of empanada... forgot what they're called. So we are all making the dough and had a little flour fight. This is the family with the crazy kids that attack me.... Sandra's kids. See past emails for help... haha so we're cooking and Juan asks me to come into the kitchen to stir the sauce. I was stirring, and stirring, and stirring and then I see something in the sauce..... actually I see two things.... COCKROACHES!!!!!!!! ALL OVER THE FOOD!!!! I almost threw up.... Juan didn't even make a big deal! He just took them out and kept cooking! I had to get out of the kitchen.... the worst part is that we tasted that freaking sauce!!! Ugh..... nasty. Haha so I told Hermana C in secret and when the food was done we didn't eat much and chose our slices carefully.... and prayed with all of our might that we wouldn't be throwing up cockroaches that night...
We have been eating so healthy this week. But we have a problem with that because we go have lunch with members and they make us eat way more than we want.... so everyday this week we left the member's house about to explode... we need to figure out how to get them to cook less... maybe if I ate slower... haha I don't know. :)
Oh yeah zone training! It was great! I love being with the zone! I actually got to do some practices with Elder Slighting and his companion! Super cool! After the conference we were waiting for interviews. Elder Slighting and I got to talk for a long time about our missions, our friends on missions, and our friends back home, and a bunch of other stuff! The elder he talked about, Elder Escobar, is in my district! Haha they worked together for a day! Crazy we're in the same zone. So fun!
My interview with President Chaparro was great! We talked a lot about my potential here in the mission. He shared with me D&C 1:4-5 and taught me more about how the Lord calls us to do what we are capable of doing. I learned a lot about having faith that God is aware of me and that I literally have the capacity to do the work here. Not only just do it, but excecute it! I loved our reading assignment this week about Ammon and King Lamoni. Ammon was a servant to the king and excecuted everything he asked him to do! We are the same! We are servants to the Lord. Towards the end of the chapter (Alma 18) Ammon has a very spiritual experience with the King. It was a testimony builder to me that Heavenly Father blesses us with spiritual experience after the ¨trial of our faith¨ or after we execute the task. I am going to work on that more this week. Really executing every task I have and then having the faith that the blessings will come.
I love you all! I can feel your prayers everyday! Keep being the wonderful person you are. Because YOU are pretty special.
With all my love,
Hermana Hammond