Hello everyone!
This week was full of many firsts! Here is my list:
1. I had my first peanut butter and jelly sandwich... and liked it! And yes there is peanut butter here. A-town rocks.
2. I had Coke for the first time... nasty.
3. I almost stepped on a chicken head... yeah I'll stop there.
4. First district meeting.
5. First time doing my hair on the mission... sorry I didn't take a picture
6. We were teaching Valeria and I heard FROZEN!!! It was in Spanish but I could recognize that movie in any language. Haha I loved it! I kept getting distracted. Her niece was watching it in the other room.
7. First time being cold... speaking of frozen ;)
And I think I should stop there... :)
I forgot to add last week we went on splits! I went to La Banda with Hermana Gentry! She is in Sam's ward! So she showed me where he lives and where his area is! It is so cool to be so close to a friend from home. I love it!
We are continuing to teach all of our rocking investigators! Yesterday we had 3 investigators at church! And a TON of less actives. Our goal is to have 100 people attending sacrament meeting before Hermana Creason leaves. Yesterday there were 33... We have a lot of work to do :)
We don't have a baptism this week. But Oscar is planning for June 7th! He loves country music and wanted me to write him a list of artists. I told him I would give it to him at church (a little bribe never hurt anyone). I did and he texted us saying he LOVES it! Haha, we went and taught him last night and he couldn't stop talking about it. Who wouldn't love country music?? :)
Well I don´t have much more to say... We are in the middle of this transfer and ahh today is my 2 month mark! What the... wow. Only 16 more. I have a lot I want to do in that time but one thing I can't do is regret anything! If I am constantly looking back and regretting I will miss what I am doing today. And today I am loving life. I love being a missionary. It just keeps getting better here. I am growing more than I actually thought was possible. I am changing but I am becoming what Heavenly Father wants me to be. That is the amazing thing about missionary work. It's a priceless time to let Heavenly Father mold you into the child He wants you to be. I am so excited to move forward and keep growing and learning.
Love you all! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!
Hermana Hammond
Happy Memorial Day! from, The Americans |
My study outfit...so cold!
Weekly selfie :)