Man what a week! First of all, we had a baptism!!! Haha it's a bautismo de corazon.... which means a baptism of the heart. A little girl in the branch was baptized. The people here don't understand that their kids don't have to listen to the missionaries to be baptized like they did. Her mom asked us to stop by and give her the lessons. And no matter how much we explain to them that it is unnecessary, the Argentines are persistent... haha. It was so beautiful. Her name is Balnea. It reminded me a lot of my baptism. Dressed in white, so nervous. Her dad is a member but less active. He didn't know if he was going to be able to make it. But right before it started he walked in the door. It was so spiritual. I am so grateful that I have an active family. It is a blessing I often take for granted.
So this week I have been pretty sick. Nothing to worry about but we weren't able to work as much as usual. I have had bad stomach pains. I think it is just from all the changes. The food, water, everything. We went to the doctor on Wednesday and he wanted to get some blood tests done just to be safe. I officially got poked with a needle in Argentina... my bucket list is complete. haha we go back to the doctor tomorrow. I am feeling better now... but still have a lot of pain. I got a Priesthood blessing and was told to be patient and diligent with my recovery... I have been on a diet of nothing but rice crackers and herbal tea... talk about patient and diligent. haha but it sure is helping! I know it will pass but would be very grateful for your prayers.
So we found another family!!! Familia Chambi! Holy cow they are golden!!! They have accepted a baptismal date for the 7th of December! They are a very poor very humble family. It will be a big sacrifice for them to come to church so pray that the Lord will provide a way.
So my studies and thoughts lately have been centered on what the Lord wants me to do here. I am hitting my half way point in a few weeks and have often felt that I haven't been fulfilling my purpose because I haven't been baptizing as much as I expected. I know that Heavenly Father expects even more of me. Well we found this great family and have tons of more with so much potential!... I am going to work so hard to help the people we have make it to baptism but I also know that success isn't measured on how many people get baptized. We are planting seeds. I need to stay focused but always remember that. I am here doing what the Lord wants me to be doing, and with my hard work, he will determine the success. All I can control is me.
I hope y'all have a great week.
Hermana Hammond
Family Night |
Family Night with Hermana Jimenez |
Picnic with Hermana Jimenez |
Santiago District
Silly Santiago District
One of my favorite families |
Love these guys |
Another one of my favorites |
And another :) |
Newborn baby chick |
Leaving Hermana Herrera |
Tucuman District |
Tucuman Zone |
Another favorite |
Love her! |
Best Friends |
Sweet Companions |
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