This week just flew right passed me! It's so hard to watch time go by so fast. I feel like I wake up in the morning.... tired... and then the next thing I know we are back in bed! With all we do in the day I can't believe how fast it goes. We are working like crazy!
Updates on investigators-
The familia Chambi is doing so great! Oh my goodness we had the greatest lesson with them yesterday. I don't know if I've told you but they have 3 boys from 15-7 years old. Pablo, their youngest has disabilities. I can't even express through this email how incredible it was to teach them about the plan of salvation. Yesterday I was explaining where we were before this life, and that we are here on earth to learn and grow so we can become like our Heavenly Father. Hermano Chambi was blown away! He had never heard that before! He was crying so hard... we all couldn't help but cry. The thing is that we had never met Pablo until last night. After we explained the whole lesson to him he said, I want you to meet Pablo, can I go get him?... We both said YES!!! Pablo can't walk so he carried him out to where we were sitting. He is an angel!! The most precious perfect little thing. His dad said he loves music, so I whipped out my hymn book and we started singing to him. We sang I am a child of God. The spirit was so strong!! The coolest thing was that every time we sang, ¨to live with him someday¨ Pablo started smiling and clapping his hands! OH I was crying so hard! After the song we explained to Pablo and his dad that he was going to have a perfect body and live with God for eternity! Oh my goodness you guys I wish I could explain how incredible that was! I couldn't help but look Hermano Chambi in the eyes and say, You have to save your family! You have to get to church. You HAVE to accept this gospel. He looked right back at me and said, I will. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! I was a crying mess! My favorite lesson on my mission for sure!!
The familia Montoya is doing good too! We are working on helping Marcela with her divorce papers and really teaching the whole family and helping them reach baptism together.
So at district meeting our district leader brought.... NUTELLA!!! Haha, he found it at the grocery store and brought it for us to share! It was so good. A little taste of America :). In the meeting we talked a lot about diligence. Hermana Resendiz (a sister I live with) gave a lesson. She talked about the women at the mall who sell straighteners. Haha, she talked about their diligence! It was really good actually! She explained that most of the time we just pass by and don't want to hear what they have to say. But the ladies basically grab us by the hair and start straightening it. Once we sit down and actually see what those suckers can do... we think, hmm it actually works! Hahah, she applied it to missionary work! Most people hear about mormons and have their expectations. But if we can actually sit down with people and have them TRY IT they become hooked! But one thing is different... the gospel is FREE!! Hahaha, I loved it! I am definitely going to be more diligent :)
So this week we had a ward relief society expo! All of the women in the stake came to show their crafts they had made this year! It was super fun! We were the only missionaries there. We got permission because we took investigators. All of the women in other wards were asking to take their pictures with me! hahaha, I felt famous! It was so fun to be with the ladies of the ward! We definitely bonded and had a great time :)
So I love living with other sisters! We have all grown so close! Last night we had a dance party to the Prince of Egypt soundtrack. Hahah, it was a blast and we couldn't go to sleep because we were laughing so hard! Hahaha I love making memories and enjoying these priceless moments.
So culture fact- people here go grocery shopping every day... some, every meal. It's absolutely crazy! They go to the store, buy what they need to make lunch and nothing else... I would DIE! I am good with a once a week... once every two weeks... haha anyway... so there's that.
The work is moving forward! I am trying so hard to work harder. The weather isn't too bad. I can sleep at night with just our fan... so we're good for now :) haha, the good thing here is that they're is shade.. So I'm doing great!! Loving life and loving preaching the gospel.
Oh and to update you all- I am all better! Super healthy. They doctor was sure I had a virus or something but when he got the blood tests he said he was shocked he didn't find anything!... yeah it's called a Priesthood blessing, 100 of prayers at home, and a whole lot of faith. Thank you all for your prayers! Here's to being healthy the rest of my mission! haha :)
I love you all! Have a great week!
Hermana Hammond
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Hermana Salas - RS President - aka my mom in Tucuman |
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Me and my comp |
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The ladies of the ward. I LOVE THEM!!! |
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Loving the Argentina breeze. |
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Piano lessons |
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A movie theater in Tucuman |
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Waiting for the bus. |
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