Man has it heated up this summer!! We are all dying of heat!! But I have good news!!! WE GET AIR CONDITIONING ON WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!! YES!!!! haha it has been crazy trying to get everything fixed in the apartment. But we are almost done. Hermana Chaparro and the assistants came and visited all of the apartments. There are things to buy but we live in a great apartment. We bought the other sisters a bunk bed because Hermana Resendiz was sleeping on the floor.... and we bought plates and other things we lacked. I don't know why I got assigned to remodel the apartment but I guess I kind of just took the role... I like to get things done... ANYWAY! We are almost done with the list she gave us.
So on Saturday we had interviews!!! It was the greatest interview I've had yet. President Chaparro is the greatest. I first walked in and he said HERMANA!! You and your companion have lost A TON of weight!!! What is your secret??? Haha I laughed and told him we stopped eating sugar. Then he laughed and said that he stopped too.... then he looked at his belly and said... but nothing's happening... hahaha. The rest of the interview I was crying.... he shared exactly what I needed to hear. I was so worried that I wasn't progressing like I was at the beginning of my mission. He told me flat out that he has seen a HUGE change in me. He also said that the Lord is more than pleased with my work. It was a huge relief to hear that from him. Then he shared something with me I will never forget. He said that Satan is getting extremely smart. That he is attacking people so they can't hear the gospel. But he also said that Satan is attacking those who already have the truth so they can't share it. He said Satan attacks the strong. It was something I can apply right now in my mission. Satan is literally attacking me so I don't reach my full potential. He hits me with headaches, stress, self doubts, concerns, worries. BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS!!!
I had a rough experience on Saturday. We went to visit Georgina (a girl who wanted to get baptized) we went there and she came out and said I don't want anything to do with your church anymore. It hit me hard.... I have never been dropped by an investigator... just door slams :) but she dropped us hard.. she asked us to please leave because her pastor was on his way there.... I felt a little angry but I shook it off. Then we went to Natalia... HER MOM CAME BACK!!!!! We were so surprised!! But... she said no hermanas I am going back in an hour... we can have a lesson right now. I was like... but your daughter wants to get married and baptized on the 14th!!! She was like NOO that won't work for me... it will have to be in a few months... That made me more angry...
THEN we went to Carolina and Viviana... we had to drop them because they weren't progressing. We ended up having the most spiritual lesson with them. I said that we couldn't drop them until they offered a prayer and asked if the gospel is true. Viviana said it and the spirit was so strong!! I have really learned what it means to pray with all your might, mind, and strength because MAN WAS I PRAYIN'!! After the prayer they were both crying. Viviana said, I know your church is true. I was like THANK HEAVENS!!!!!!!!!!!!! But you know what happened next??? She said, but I don't want to get baptized because I just don't want to change. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? I said last week was a rollercoaster but Saturday was insane.
My letter is The Wicked One for many reasons.
1. The ride Wicked at Lagoon starts with an incline straight up, and then drops you hard. That is what happened to me on Saturday. Incline with my interview, hard drop with the investigators. We got home on Saturday and planned. My companion could tell I was worked up and told me she would write in the area book and report to our district leader and that I needed to calm down. I knelt down and just prayed.... and cried... .and prayed and cried some more. It hurts so bad to watch this happen. I love these people so much and they can't get baptized. I took a shower and went to bed. We had another long talk and then slept fine.
Well on this rollercoaster, after the hard drop the rest of the ride is fast and fun. That is what happened on Sunday. Paula is incredible. She went to church with her uncle so that counts for us! She is going to be baptized next Saturday on the 7th. Also the familia Cordoba accepted a baptismal date!!! ALL 9 OF THEM!!! They are so excited!!! They are preparing for the 21st. (perfect birthday present) They kept saying throughout the lesson, when we get baptized... when we get sealed in the temple... when we become members... it was a great lesson. They are going to make it.
2. My other reason for the title of this email is that Satan has become so real to me. He does everything possible to hurt us. He gets mad when the church progresses. But one thing I have learned is that WE are stronger than Satan. We have the ability to win. And it's not like flipping a coin, or playing rock paper scissors... WE can decide who wins. Not him. Only us. We are children of God. It's an even cooler feeling to know that after a long fight with the adversary.
WELL I have so much more to tell you but not enough time.... please keep praying for our baptisms. We are working so hard.
Until next week!!
Hermana Hammond
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Waiting for the kids to come to mission prep |
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Getting ready for class |
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We're ready to teach |
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these are called humitas... like tamales. they were SO GOOD! |
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my super lunch... I found tortillas and almost started crying. |
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yup. I used money to buy that plate. |
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