Monday, April 13, 2015

The One That Flew By

Hello everyone!

Man did this week go by fast! I love my new area! We are starting from scratch looking for new investigators and giving the old ones a new push to baptism. This week I got to go on divisions with Hermana Herrera!!!! I just adore her. She has a great area and is loving her mission! We have definitely become best friends on the mission. So that was so fun!

My companion is super sick. Please pray for her. She has the flu... :( poor thing. 

And this week will be crazy because today we are traveling to Salta! We have MLC tomorrow and then we travel home late at night. I quickly learned as a sister leader you don't get much sleep.... back to the old days working in the hospital. Crystal lights have become my live savers.

I don't have much of an update... I am just trying to get to know my area :)

Haha funny story... these two kids next to me have been staring at me this whole time. One of them tapped me on the shoulder and asked me where I was from. haha he was so scared. It was cute.

Okie dokie! Sorry for the extremely short letter.... here are some pictures to make up for it :)

Have a great week! Enjoy your sleep! :)
Hermana Hammond

hermana herrera!
so sorry..... this is the only photo that would download in time...... more next week for sure!!!!!

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