Hey everyone!
This week was insane! Haha, on Tuesday we had divisions with the sisters in Perico! They are so dang fun. I stayed in our area while my companion went to Perico. I went to go pick her up and we took the bus back to Palpala.... well we were both exhausted... and decided to close our eyes for a second... Next thing we know we are in San Salvador!! It is about 1 hour past our area! We felt terrible!!! but it was pretty funny....we decided to get off in San Salvador because my companion needed to go to the dermatologist anyway! Things always work out :) So we went and turns out she has a fungus in her skin! Yikes.... it is all over her legs and on her face. Poor thing. She says it itches really bad. She has to take benedryl which basically knocks her out... I feel so bad for her... but we laugh so hard about everything that it's hard to have sympathy... haha.
Anyway.. we worked Wednesday in our area and planned Thursday morning. Then some of the sisters in our zone called to ask us a favor. Their companions had to go to Tucuman to do paperwork for their visas... and they didn't want to lose their appointments with their investigators. So they called and asked if we could do divisions with them so they could work in their areas.... we were like... um.... Sure! (We can't really say no...) haha so we went! I stayed with Hermana Herrera and Hermana Stewart and my companion went with Hermana Peterson to her area. What was supposed to be 1 day turned out to be 3..... hahaha we were 3 sisters with 2 mattresses.... needless to say we didn't sleep very well... but we had a blast together!!! Hermana Herrera and I have divisions next week too.... round 10! We are basically companions. Oh and to top it all off my companions birthday was on Friday! We had a surprise party all planned and everything and had to cancel it!!! :( She was okay with it though... she is like me... she doesn't like much attention on her birthday..
So this week we are even more motivated to work extra super hard in our area!! We got some great references from the zone leaders in a neighborhood that I have never been to.... wish us luck..
Mercedes is doing good! She is still having problems with her daughter but she is trying not to get discouraged.
The Caro Family is doing good too! They have a hard time understanding the gospel. We have to teach very clearly and repeat a lot of things. Last night we watched The Restoration and they felt the spirit so strong. They are looking for an answer. Now they just need to act :)
Okay that about sums it up!! We are so stoked for another week in paradise!!
Have a great week everyone! Thanks for all your prayers!
Hermana Hammond
We are a special companionship...... |