Wow have I seen miracles this week! Tucuman is amazing! I LOVE my companion. LOVE the members. LOVE the investigators. LOVE the views. LOVE EVERYTHING!!!.... except the heat.... we are seriously dying out here... haha we don't have air conditioning in the apartment and I seriously haven't stopped sweating since I got here.... I am losing a ton of weight though so I guess that's a plus :)
This letter is ¨the one I can't believe¨ for a few reasons.
1. I forgot my planner in the apartment. In my planner I write on sticky notes everything I want to tell you that happens during the week. I can never remember... haha so next week you are going to get a long email...
2. HOLY SMOKES can we talk about what just happened with my bag?!?!? Y'all don't even know! There are about 100 buses... maybe even more... In our city in Tucuman and the people here aren't the most honest... but seriously we left the internet cafe and walked passed the apartment and this woman called out to us and told us that she had our bag.... WHAT?¿? We had called the bus station but we didn't say we were missionaries or where we lived or ANYTHING! I can't even explain how big of a miracle that was. She had never met us before and I have no idea how my bag got off the bus and in her hands. And then I found out today that they found my notes that I left on the bus when we went to Chile.... I am a very forgetful person I know... haha. BUT I'M SO HAPPY!!! These two experiences really were testimony builders to me that God is aware of me. He wanted to test me to see if I would be willing to put ALL of my faith in Him. Whether I found the bag or not, I knew it would be okay.
3. I hit 7 months yesterday... I can't even believe it. 6 was such a big milestone for me that 7 snuck up so fast.
Anyway. Tucuman is great! We have a lot of people progressing! I feel really good about the work. I know that we will have success these next couple of months. I am going to wait another week to get to know more people and then I will tell you about some of them!
The branch has about 100 people every week! We are working to become a ward. But once again there is no one to play the piano. I got there and started playing some hymns for prelude music. The members started crying! They came up to me and said they haven't heard the hymns from the piano in so long! It is the coolest feeling to touch lives through music. We are going to start a piano class. I am going to teach from the simplified hymns so that when I leave there will be people that can play. I will let you know how it goes!
I am so happy here. I LOVE my companion, love my district, love Tucuman, LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY! These moments are priceless. I can't believe how much I am changing and growing. The church is SO SUPER TRUE! I love telling people about it! We should never fear to tell people what we know. If it brings us happiness it will bring happiness to them. I want to challenge all of you to share your testimony! On facebook, to a friend, to a family member, to me :) Christ is coming and we have to let EVERYONE know it! Thank you all for your support. I cant even begin to say how much it means to me. This is the best time of my life because I am dong the Lord's work. But I know that you can do it too. You don't need a name tag to be a missionary. You just need a testimony :) Thank you all for being so strong and faithful. And for those who are reading my letters who aren't members or who haven't been to church for a while, Heavenly Father loves YOU! YOU are His child! Christ suffered, died, and was resurrected for YOU! It is a personal sacrifice because he loves YOU! Wow I love the gospel! I love my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I love this work.
Until next week,
Hermana Hammond
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Sisters Conference in Santiago |
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With Hermana Herrera |
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