Hey everyone!!!!!
So... I'M TRAINING!!!! I am so excited! A new missionary to help love this work as much as I do!!! Ahhhh it will be such a cool experience for me. In the mission we treat it like a mini plan of salvation. The MTC is like the pre earth life.... we learn as much as we can and feel ready to come into the real world... but we pass through the veil (international dateline) and forget EVERYTHING! We are ¨born¨in a new place, learn to speak our first words, are completely attached to our moms, and try to get by :) Haha there is so much that I can say about that but I thought I should probably explain why the title says I'm pregnant... hahah my cute little daughter will be born in Tucuman! I am going to Salta tomorrow and will say the night with the sisters there. Then Wednesday morning we will have a training, lunch, and meet our companions!!! Whoo!!! Haha I am so excited to help her start her mission off right and work so hard!!! I feel like what I imagine a new mom would feel like. Super nervous, excited, worried. All at once. I already love her so much! I cleaned her side of the desk, room, and closet like 10 times. I made her a planner. I bought her food. Hahaha and I am nervous!! I want her to progress and learn so much on her mission and hope I am capable of what she needs... hahaha and I obviously can't stop talking about her... Haha.
We have the greatest families here ready to be baptized. We put a goal as a companionship for 6 baptisms this month. Please pray that we can achieve that goal. We didn't have anyone at church Sunday... The familia Chambi couldn't come last minute. It was heartbreaking. But I feel like our goal is inspired and I feel like it will happen.
So we got a new sister in the apartment! Hermana Garibay!! She is from Peru. She was the companion of Hermana Creason in Cabildo before I came!! So we are step sisters... Hermana Creason was her step mom and is my mom... hahaha gotta love the mission. It is so fun living with sisters!
WOW time went quickly this week. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!!
Hermana Hammond
I was hermana Chipana... put on her name tag and she took a picture.... Happy Halloween. |
Happy Thanksgiving |
Mama sent me stuffing...my favorite! |
Familia Padilla |
Hit the big 8 month mark, hahaha... and Hermana Chipana drew me this paper... and made me take a picture with my red sunglasses to match... haha I miss her. |
Notice the cat is an 8.... clever. |
I died... I want to keep him... |
The members here call me Hermana Shakira... hahahaha because of my hair! I tried to teach them that my name is Beyonce but they wouldn't have it... :) at least it's better than Hermana Ham and Cheese.... thank you Santiago. |
This isn't the Thanksgiving Point Outlets... but hey... haha, the Santa is pretty creepy... and looks pregnant instead of fat... |
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