Feliz Navidad!!!!!
Wow I love this time of year!!! Such a great time to remember our Savior and celebrate His birth!!
We had a pretty cool week. Lately in our meetings we have been talking about finding God's elected. Those who are literally waiting for the gospel. And we talked a lot about when is a good time to drop investigators. It was rough because we had to drop the Chambi family. It broke my heart. But they wouldn't keep any commitments. We will still stop by if we have time but they aren't a priority. We felt bummed but were instantly reenergized! We found a man named Gustavo. He was walking down the street and I felt I needed to share the gospel with him. I took out the He is the gift cards that we are sharing (Which is incredible by the way. I love the video and I love the message.) Anyway, so I shared with him this card. Then we started to introduce ourselves! He told us that he was just in the Catholic church and walked in, then walked out, walked in, then walked out and was very confused. He said he felt a stirring in his heart that it wasn't true. So he decided to go for a walk and ponder what he should do. WELL that's where we come in!! I am so grateful that we were in tune with the spirit and I followed my prompting! He literally said he was searching for the truth!! Talk about God's chosen!! We gave him the pamphlet about the restoration. He was like thanks! I love to read!! Then he told us that his mom recently died. He loves the Savior so much and knows that through him it is possible to see his mom again. But he doesn't know how. Well you better believe I whipped out pamphlet 2- the plan of salvation! He was like, good thing I ran into you two!! Haha I was like, heck yes it's a good thing!! Hahah we were super happy!! He lives in the other sisters area but that doesn't matter. Salvation is salvation. He will get baptized for sure. I will keep you updated.
So we didn't have anyone in church... it rained like crazy again... but all is well! We found that we see so many miracles everyday!!!
Also we are in need of your prayers. Daniel Montoya... the dad of the Montoya family had a heart attack... he is like 40. Super young. He is okay but is still in the hospital. He is in ICU and we aren't allowed to visit him until he is stable. Then we will be there the second he is okay with 2 priesthood holders and some oil. Please keep him in your prayers. It's interesting because he has never been interested in the gospel. He loves that his family goes to church but he said, I'm good with my health, my job, my family, my life, I don't need the gospel. Well.... I think this is Heavenly Father saying, yeah you do. I will keep you updated.
Anyway!! This week we had our CHRISTMAS CONFERENCE!!! It was super cool, uplifting, and fun!!! I got to see Elder Slighting too!! There is a neat spirit when we get together as missionaries. I love it!
Okie dokie. I think that about sums it up. I have been working on some new years goals this week. I know that the second half of my mission will be even better than the first.
I want to wish you all a VERY Merry Christmas. My heart is so full this season. I love you all with all my heart. My only wish to you would be to spend as much time as you can with those you love. Serve them and serve all of those around you.
Merry Christmas!!!
Hermana Hammond
Sisters in Tucuman - Christmas Party |
Me and my comp :) |
Merry Christmas Alpine 12th Ward! |
This is our dancing Santa |
It was super hot for 2 days...then the rain came again |
Our 2 and a half mile road we walk Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday... |
Tafi Viejo |
The Church is TRUE!!! |
The Jehovas Witnesses...I respect them...but it confuses people when their church is across from ours. |
I will share the gift by sharing the gospel. #sharethegift |
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