Hello loved ones!
Wow what a cool week and a super fun P-day!!! Here's what happened!
This week we found a great family!!! The mom is the sister of an active member but her husband and 3 kids aren't members. We had heard from other members that the dad is very cold about the church and hates missionaries. Well we felt like we needed to go so we did. The mom and her 2 daughters were there (Sara- 13 and Camilla- 11). She was so excited to see us and to teach her daughters. They are darling!!Preparing for baptism September 20th! Then during the lesson the dad walked in and he was like, Oh hermanas! Nice to see you. Hi how are you? I'm their dad! Please, continue with the lesson!.... We were like.... what?? Hahaha but that just means this family is ready! We are going to try to teach the son (Sebestian- 17) and the dad this week!!
Ok so really cool... Oscar is the 1st counselor in the Young Men's!!!!!!!! He is absolutely incredible! So cool. He will be great.
So Saturday the Relief Society had an activity, the ward is coming to life!! I can't believe it! We got to go for a little bit and it was so fun!! I love it here. I don't ever want to leave.
So Marta... she's going back to Spain tomorrow. But I have no doubt she will get baptized! She has all the LDS apps on her phone and is on it all the time. She also knows the missionaries in Spain and feeds them lunch! It was a cool experience to teach her. We have family night with the Umbides family tonight and she will be there. Should be fun :)
So today!! We went to more of the city part of Santiago with Oscar today! It was SO FUN! We went shopping, to the zoo, to see the big river, to a giant park, and had yummy smoothies!! It is crazy hot here I can't even believe it. I pray every day I don't overheat. I carry around a giant thing of water! Jaja asi es la obra :)
Anyway. I can't believe this transfer is coming to an end.... time is not my friend. But I know Heavenly Father is doing it on purpose. He is testing my diligence. And I am working so hard to make the best of every moment. I will be starting a new transfer with a new companion next week. Showing her the best area in the mission :)
Okay my time has about run out! I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you for the support!!
Hermana Hammond
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I love my comp :) |
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Funny sign we found :).... only in Argentina |
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